It's true! It seemed like a great idea on Entourage and hey, comic book heroes so ok at the box office. So a director has been picked and it's time to get wet! 

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Aquaman... Really?!! Not Just on Entourage?!! It's true! It seemed like a great idea on Entourage and hey, comic book heroes so ok at the box office. So a director has been picked and it's time to get wet! 

Well, for the Justice League we've done most of the big ones right? Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman is on the way. This was bound to happen.

But who, what, where and when? Click below and get your fix you superhero fans!



And before you get grossed out on what must surely be a gross amount of CGI coming our way, why not take a look back to the only Aquaman we've ever know on screen! Simple cartoon graphics and basic storylines, this was our Aquaman! The reason most young men knew about the color orange at such an early age! 


Oh and there's the what could have been too.... 



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