And in the files of people of this world are getting worse everyday.... 

Not really much you can say about this one. It just doesn't seem real, right?

I know there's people saying, "why even give idiots like this publicity". To that I say, I think we need to show the idiocy of people sometimes to put everyone else in check. I think it's healthy for us to step aside quick and realize, 'wow, some of us are absolutely pathetic in this life'. I grounds us a bit. Humbles us a bit.

Or maybe, and most importantly posting something like this helps to keep us from doing dumb things in the future. Maybe. Maybe it's a reality check. A warning shot. A reminder, hey, don't be a dips--t. Don't sue your 12 yr. old nephew for showing affection.

It's amazing that we'd need to remind anyone about that, but apparently we reached one of the peoples too late!

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