If you've been sitting at home thinking, damn, I wish I owned an actual, real-life tank, Maine's Craigslist has some terrific news for you. An ad posted this week, offers up a rare, de-militarized tank for the low, low price of $10,000.

The seller appears to be in need of some cash OR some sweet vintage Star Wars memorabilia. So if you got a huge tax return or you've got an extra closet filled with Boba Fett collectibles, you could be fashioning a new tank at home and scaring the hell out of your neighbors for years.

Inside the ad, the seller suggests the tank is ready to drive right now. Can you imagine how bad traffic on Forest Ave in Portland would be tomorrow if someone was driving this tank home? Additionally, the seller promises that this tank is rare and recently sold on eBay for close to $25,000!

So what do you think? Is it time to upgrade your Ford F-150? Who needs a hummer when you could drive through Old Orchard Beach in the summer with this amazing tank! Happy buying!

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