I'm usually into ANY music documentary. Simple story? Fire it up I'll watch it. THIS STORY though? This is more than a documentary. This is life, more real than ever!

Lamb of God is one of the top metal bands in the world. Great records, great live shows, pure metal attitudes... just a great friggin band. They are real metal dudes. No phoney shopping mall metal here. Some say they took the torche after Pantera. Another southern metal jauggernaut that has more balls than a Spalding Factory. They deliver everytime right in your face. 

Their singer Randy Blythe is most certainly one of the top frontmen in all of metal. He's one of us. He's in the crowd with us. He believes hes no better than us. He's no backstage bonehead. He's is a class act. He appreciates fans and of course, airplay. 

randy blythe & mark curdo wcyy

Just a little while back Randy faced the biggest challenge of his life. After the release of the 7th Lamb of God record, Resolution Randy and the band hit a bit of a snag while in Prague. A snag that would change his life, his families, his bands and many others. This new documentary, As The Palaces Burn (released february 16 in selected venues) shows the worldwide love from fans of Lamb of God and eventually the madness that engulfed Randy as he was on trail for the accidental death of one of those fans. This will be a documentary unlike any. Most music docs aren't real enough. This is more real than you can get friends. See for yourself!

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