
Here’s Where All of Maine’s 25 Roundabouts and Rotaries Are Located
Here’s Where All of Maine’s 25 Roundabouts and Rotaries Are Located
Here’s Where All of Maine’s 25 Roundabouts and Rotaries Are Located
Did you know that Maine has 25 different traffic roundabouts and rotaries throughout the state? And yes, there's a big difference between a roundabout and a rotary. While they both move traffic around in a circle, rotaries are made to keep traffic moving at a constant speed while roundabouts are made to slow traffic down. Big difference!
Wrong Way Driver
Wrong Way Driver
Wrong Way Driver
Let's be honest for a second, rotaries are stupid. Most drivers don't like them and would prefer to avoid them if at possible. But something else MOST drivers know, is that there is only ONE way to turn on a rotary. But not if you're this anonymous person, who came up to this rotary in Augusta and decided that a left turn would get them to their destination far quicker...