
WATCH: The City of Westbrook Does A Sit-Down Interview With Wessie The Snake
WATCH: The City of Westbrook Does A Sit-Down Interview With Wessie The Snake
WATCH: The City of Westbrook Does A Sit-Down Interview With Wessie The Snake
In case you thought the Wessie craze hadn't gone far enough yet, get a load of this. The City of Westbrook has spent more time in the national news over the past couple months all because of the possibility that there's a large snake roaming it's river coastline...
The Wessie Song
The Wessie Song
The Wessie Song
It appears we've reached a new height of delirium in Maine about the mythical burmese python roaming the river banks of Westbrook. A local band and production company know as Drivetrain, has penned and recorded a short, folk sounding song about Maine's most talked about exotic animal...
Police Spot Westbrook Snake
Police Spot Westbrook Snake
Police Spot Westbrook Snake
The jokes write themselves with this kind of headline but Westbrook Police say there's one thing that certainly isn't funny, the reported large snake that was spotted at Riverbank Park in Westbrook is real, and it's still there. Westbrook Police released this statement via their official Facebook page: Apparently the snake's new nickname is "Wessie" but Police urge residents not to appro