People from out of state are really clueless when it comes to pronouncing Maine towns. Who can blame them really. Towns like Passadumkeag don't easily roll off the tongue. 

When it comes to simple names like Saco and Bangor though we Mainers are kind of dumbfounded. What happened when people from the west coast were asked to pronounce some Maine towns is pretty much what you'd expect. Fail.

To be fair, I didn't even know how to pronounce the Passagassawakeag River.

I'm not even sure that the people who made the video got Skowhegan right...

Movoto via YouTube
Movoto via YouTube


skuh-wee-g'n? I've always pronounced it skow-HE-gun. Someone please tell me they screwed up and I haven't been pronouncing it wrong for all my life. That would be embarrassing.


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