14 Maine News Stories That Fascinated Us In 2022
Doesn't it just feel like 2022 has flown by in an instant? It seems like New Years Day was just yesterday. In reality, it was nearly 365 days ago!
And, a lot has happened in those last twelve months... A LOT!
Nationwide and worldwide, we saw the total number of COVID-19 cases hit 300 million in early January. In late February, Russia invaded Ukraine. Here in the United States, we dealt with insane inflation.
2022 was not just about serious issues. It was also a big year for sports. In Super Bowl 56, played on February 13th, the Rams beat the Bengals. Also in February, China hosted the winter games. And, in the fall, Qatar hosted the World Cup.
But, what about here in Maine? It was definitely an eventful year in Maine, and throughout New England.
Take a look at our list of some of the biggest stories and events of 2022.
The Top Maine Stories And Events Of 2022
What do you think? What else needs to be on our list? Let us know by sending an email or messaging us through our app.
So, why did it feel like 2022 flew by? I have a theory. I think that 2022 felt like it lasted a minute because we have all been so busy catching up after 2020 and 2021.
Nothing really happened in 2020. Well, nothing good, at least. Pandemic restrictions prevented us from having concerts, festivals, fairs, vacations, and more.
Yes, 2021 was a little more normal than 2020 was, but everything was not back to normal. We were dealing with the "new normal". Social distancing, masking, etc.
So, when 2022 rolled around, and almost all of the pandemic restrictions had been lifted, we finally had a chance to really enjoy ourselves. For many, it was the first great summer since 2019.
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