Chester Bennington on Upcoming Linkin Park Album: ‘The New Songs Are Amazing’
Linkin Park continue to make progress toward the completion of their seventh studio album, with Chester Bennington taping a brief video update for fans.
The singer says in the clip above, "I've been working really hard on some vocals for the last couple of months. And we've done some really great stuff in here. The songs are amazing. I'm really proud of what we've accomplished in the studio so far. We've got a lot of great material that I hope challenges our fanbase as well as inspires them as much as it has us. And so I'm really looking forward to you guys hearing the stuff. It's, like, super, super exciting."
Linkin Park have been delivering plenty of updates as they continue to work on the album. Earlier this year, Mike Shinoda put a challenge to the band that he shared in an open letter. “I had an epiphany today about the album. Right now, in the studio, the foundations of the songs are there … I think it’s time to shift into the next gear. Let’s discover the voice of this album … I want to get into experimentation mode, get weirder, and record more live instruments … I said at the beginning, I want this album to be our best. Let’s do this! Feel free to give me a call to discuss, or we can talk on Monday. I’m AMPED,” said the excited vocalist.
In a podcast in early August, Shinoda and Brad Delson discussed their recording process. "There’s a certain discomfort in doing things the right way…for our band, we’ve talked to folks here a lot about our typical process and we really turned it on its head this time," explained Delson. "We took on a new challenge by flipping our script. There’s a certain amount of experimentation and failure, essentially trial and error that’s baked into this process. We’ve made so many records and we clearly know how to make a record and we definitely didn’t take the easy way out this time. I think that we just dove straight into the fray of inspiration and its yielded really interesting substance, finding the destination is definitely a journey. We kind of have a sense of the path and we’re finding our way there. We were just talking about the kind of stamina that goes along with that because the songs are shaping up so well, we just want them to be as phenomenal when we share them with you oh listeners out there in the podcast world as we imagine them in our heads."
Shinoda also revealed that they've worked with different songwriters this time around. "The people that we’re collaborating with aren’t artists that you know, whose albums that you bought-they’re songwriters, often times they write songs for people like that. The idea, that at any point in any career, you can never know everything, so the idea of picking the brain of somebody whose done it for many years, whose done music that I personally like, and we get together and neither one of us takes the reigns and runs off with it." To hear more of the podcast, check it out in the player below.
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