It Doesn’t Get More Maine Than This Week’s Collection of Maine Vanity Plates
Here we go with another week of crazy Maine vanity plates as curated from the one and only Morgan...the King of Maine Vanity. Morgan spends a great deal of his time traveling all over the state taking pictures of a varied assortment of wild and wacky plates. In Maine, a person can put ANYTHING on their license plate, as long as they can do it in seven characters or less. And the results and creativity are astounding. I really don't think there's a better way to get to know the psyche of the people of Maine than looking at our vanity plates.
Here's this week's bumper crop....get it....bumper...ok....of Maine vanity plates. I will give each one a letter grade based on originality, cleverness, and overall Maine-ness.
Oh! We saw this as a temporary plate in our last episode. So happy the real one came in finally. I think I know why this guy got this plate. Who in their right mind is going to get anywhere near the guy? If I see him at a STOP sign, I'm waving him through.
A minus for topicality.
Any Moxie plate automatically gets a Bplus.
See, this is what I'm talking about here. The why. But look closer. Do you see the pink breast cancer ribbon? I think I know what's going on here. A C-plus grade goes to an Aplus. Context, people, context.
Very Maine. Very 80's. B
Worried about this. Even has the bumper sticker to boot. B minus.
An oft-used Mainephrase that doesn't get as much credit as it deserves. B-plus.
By itself, this plate does nothing for me. But attach it to THAT vehicle, and it's a beacon of positivity and hope. B-plus.
Instant A grade when I'm jealous I don't have the plate. or that nice truck. Damn. Nice one , bub.