Before we share the photos and locations of fall foliage photos submitted by Mainers, who else just learned as they are reading this right now that has a portion of their website dedicated to tracking fall foliage? How great is that?!

There are even social media accounts, and you can subscribe for foliage reports from September thru mid-October! Click here if you're interested.

Read More: Is Maine's Fall Foliage in Danger Due to Dry Weather?

Here Are Some of Our Favorite Fall Foliage Submissions from Mainers

Below you will see photos from the I-95 to Winterport, Maine. A few Mainers were extremely kind enough to share some of their photos from where they found luck in the past snapping some of the extraordinary fall foliage that we are fortunate to be able to experience here in Maine. Enjoy and keep sharing those photos by clicking here!

Maine Fall Foliage Photos From Mainers

Gallery Credit: David Bugenske/TSM Maine

Why Do Leaves Change Color in Maine?

And change worldwide. It's actually a pretty simple process, and they fall to actually protect the trees during the winter. Read all about the science behind our beautiful fall foliage here.

The Foliage This Year Should Provide a Very Colorful Maine Fall

Last year, because of all the rain we got, colors around Maine seemed a bit on the flat side. We just kind of went from green to brown, without a ton of fanfare in between. So, what about this year? Can we begin to predict at all, what the colors may be like come this month and October?

Read More: 2024's Fall Foliage in Maine: Is It Set to Dazzle?

Maine Fall Foliage Photos From Mainers

Gallery Credit: David Bugenske/TSM Maine

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