The CDC, according to WMUR, is reporting "very high" COVID levels in New Hampshire and Maine.

The Association of American Medical Colleges, (AAMC) says that as of the beginning of August, 2024, the percentage of people reporting positive for COVID was at the highest point since January of 2022.  Hospital visits due to COVID-19 have also increased.

The virus is constantly evolving.  And according to the AAMC, there are sub-variants that we won't even hear about.

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The AAMC also cites the reason for the increase this summer is likely because people have not been vaccinated recently, or have fewer antibodies to fight off the symptoms.

From what I recall from the nightmare that was the pandemic, the OG virus was more active in the winter months, right?  I remember friends of mine from New Hampshire went to Florida (FLORIDA!) in the beginning of February, 2020, just before the pandemic was an official thing.  One of my friends contracted what we thought was a cold, but it was definitely COVID-19.  She had all the symptoms, including loss of taste and smell.

That year, we had no idea what we were in for.  I also remember when the warm weather hit in 2020, and we got a respite from the virus for a little while.  But remember the college kids in Florida (what is it with Florida, anyway)?  It came back in the winter.  And so it goes.

COVID-19 and all its variants has become just another thing that we have to deal with.  Some people have never take off their mask.  If that what makes them comfortable, then have at it, I say.

How many times have you gotten COVID?

The Best Hospitals in Maine

Recently, Newsweek put out their list of the best hospitals in each state.

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Gallery Credit: Megan


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