Jessica Kahigian, a former soccer player at Winnicunnet High School in Hampton, New Hampshire, needed a kidney donation when she was just 16 years old.  She was so fortunate to have received one that has given her 13 healthy years.

Jessica was told that she may need another someday, and now the time has come.

In May, the Kahigian family put up a Facebook post asking for help for Jessica Kahigian who received a kidney from a donor who had passed away, but after 13 years, the donated kidney is starting to fail.

They are desperately looking for another donor.

In their post, they say that Jessica has Type B+ blood and they are asking if someone is willing to help.  They know this isn't a decision to be made lightly, so they are asking to discuss with your family.

If you are considering becoming a donor, first of all, thank you for even thinking of it.  Also, there are other things that need to be considered, according to Dartmouth-  

  • You have to be 21 years of age or older without major medical or psychiatric illness
  • Smokers will be encouraged to quit
  • You can not be pregnant
  • If you take birth control, you have to stop 30 days before surgery and wait 3 months after surgery to resume them.
  • You have to meet with the surgical team
  • Avoid aspirin for a week before the surgery
  • You should have health insurance, however, you won't be charged for a kidney donation.
  • You have to have a primary care physician.

If you decide donation is not for you, but you would like to help, you can give money to Jessica's Go Fund Me account for medical costs.

This story reminds me of the Bonnie Raitt song that came out a couple years ago called, "Just Like That."  When I saw Bonnie at the Hampton Beach Casino not long ago, I bawled my eyes out when she performed this song right in front of me.

Get the tissues out.

If you can't give any money or if a kidney donation isn't an option for you, consider becoming an organ donor after your no longer need them.  (a/k/a you die)  At that point, why not, right?

Also, I never ask you to share articles, but if you could share this one, I would be grateful and I'm sure Jessica and her family would be as well.

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