Michael Che Target of Racist Barbs After ‘SNL’ Donald Trump Tirade
Michael Che is feeling the wrath of Donald Trump supporters.
Che has revealed he's been the target of racist comments in the wake of his criticism of Trump's handling of the aftermath of Hurricane Maria on the season premiere of Saturday Night Live.
Che let loose during "Weekend Update" while discussing how Trump went after San Juan mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz on Twitter after she criticized the relief efforts of the federal government.
“Oh, really, Donald? You b----. Was she nasty to you? How nasty? Are you shaking? This isn’t that complicated, man.
It’s hurricane relief and people need help. You just did this for white people — twice. Do the same thing: Go tell Melania to put on her flood heels, get some bottled water, some food, pack up some extra Atlanta Falcons Super Bowl T-shirts, and write them a check with our money, you cheap cracker.”
The salty language Che used did not sit well with some people who definitely do not share Che's point of view. Che has since shared some racist remarks directed at him on social media (note the NSFW language)
Other posts were deleted, but screenshots of them — including one in which Che is called the N-word — have been posted by Vibe.
Saturday Night Live, of course, has been very outspoken in its criticism of Donald Trump, dating back the months leading up to the 2016 Presidential election, and while Trump's supporters probably don't find much humor in the show, last week's episode was the second highest-rated premiere since 2010.
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