Portland Lights Music Fest Artist: Nicki Bluhm & The Gramblers [VIDEO]
Nicki Bluhm & The Gramblers ... from their van to YouTube to your computer/device to the stage at the Portland Lights Music Festival on August 8th at the Maine State Pier.
Some of you may not realize, but a lot of you have seen Nicki Bluhm and the Gramblers before on YouTube clips. The group would film themselves on the road jamming out in their van to and fro gigs around the country. These would be called, "Van Sessions." Starting to sound familiar? Well, I've got a few of them before for you to check out (or revisit) to get you fired up for Nicki & The Gramblers set on August 8th with the first official Portland Lights Music Festival!
BUT.... Most importantly, here's Nicki and the boys doing their own stuff that you're sure to dig come August 8th at the Maine State Pier for our first Portland Lights Music Festival (click for tickets and info).