Seether Announce ‘Locked & Live’ Full Production Livestream Concert
Welcome back, Seether! Not only will we be getting a new album from the band pretty soon, but there is also a full-production livestream concert on the horizon as well. The band just announced their upcoming "Locked & Live" show as part of their partnership with Veeps and Elite Media.
The band will be heading online on Sunday, Aug. 30 at 3PM ET to play a full-production concert utilizing multiple cameras to give audiences the closest thing they'll have to a live show during the pandemic. This comes just two days after Seether releases their latest studio album, Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum (which translates to If You Want Peace, Prepare for War).
There are a variety of ticketing options for the show, including a $20 Livestream Ticket, a $55 package that includes the ticket plus a T-shirt and a $60 package that includes the ticket, T-shirt and a donation to the For the Crew Fund. On the day of the show, each of the ticket prices goes up an extra $5. Check here for ticketing options.
"We are extremely proud and excited for the release of our 8th studio album Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum!” state the band. “Let’s all get together to celebrate despite the current state of our world. Everyone is hurting from the pause of live music, so we’re here to bring you guys an EXCLUSIVE livestream concert experience. This is our first-ever full production, multi-camera livestream concert event during lockdown. We will be playing songs off the new album as well as a selection of some of your favorite tracks. This show will bring the full live experience into your living room. Make sure you join us on August 30th!"
In addition to the ticket packages, Seether will have a donation button during the broadcast where fans can donate to the SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voice of Education) organization, which has been something that band has focused their charitable efforts toward in the past as well as present. Learn more about the organization here and check here if you'd like to donate ahead of the show.
As stated, Seether have a new record en route. Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum has already yielded the songs "Dangerous," "Bruised and Bloodied" and "Beg" ahead of the Aug. 28 street date. If you'd like to pre-order the album, check here.
Seether, "Locked & Live" Livestream Concert
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