18 Discontinued Drinks We Sadly Said Goodbye to in 202418 Discontinued Drinks We Sadly Said Goodbye to in 2024Pour one out for these drinks because it appears they're all gone for good. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Scarborough, Maine, Costco Food Court Will Make a Change in 2025Scarborough, Maine, Costco Food Court Will Make a Change in 2025If you've fallen in love with the cheap prices and variety at the Costco food court in Scarborough, Maine, get ready for a small change in 2025JoeyJoey
Maine's Most Popular Soda is an Extreme DisappointmentMaine's Most Popular Soda is an Extreme DisappointmentThere are approximately 7,000 better soda flavors than root beer. Chris SedenkaChris Sedenka
You Probably Don't Know the Odd Meaning Behind Pepsi's NameYou Probably Don't Know the Odd Meaning Behind Pepsi's NameIt has nothing to do with drinking soda. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Did You Know a Classic Pepsi Commercial Was Filmed in Maine?Did You Know a Classic Pepsi Commercial Was Filmed in Maine?'Pepsi People Feelin' Free' was the title of a Pepsi commercial that was filmed in Maine way back in 1973. The CaptainThe Captain
New England Beer Company Teaming Up With PepsiCo For Hard Mountain DewNew England Beer Company Teaming Up With PepsiCo For Hard Mountain DewBrings new meaning to "I'm all jacked up on Mountain Dew!"Brittany RoseBrittany Rose