There's an intense battle going on amongst cellular carriers when it comes to coverage area. By now, you've probably seen or heard commercials detailing Sprint's new network, or U.S. Cellular's claim that they are the middle of everywhere. And of course, there's the old pillar of cellular activity, Verizon, who continues to claim they have the best and most reliable network around. But will that claim still hold true when a chunk of Maine loses their service?

According to the Machias Valley News Observer, Verizon plans to drop all service in Washington County, Maine starting on October 17th. The planned dumping of the coverage area will directly affect around 30-40 thousand customers, but will also indirectly affect those who travel to and from the area as well.

The decision has left people in the area, including those who have constructed cellular towers for Verizon scratching their heads. Verizon had seemingly made a commitment over the last decade to provide the premiere network in the region. Verizon hasn't officially released a statement giving their reasoning for abandoning their Washington County service plan, but one is expected soon. The other question people have, will other more rural counties in Maine be next?



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