Scams have been around forever, but they’ve exploded in recent years, with scammers getting savvier at targeting people through new, innovative methods.

One scam that myself and several other Mainers have encountered recently is the call from “The Tax Center,” claiming we owe back taxes. The catch? They offer to eliminate the debt through the “Complete Tax Forgiveness Program.” Sounds too good to be true? That’s because it is.

Thankfully, many phones now flag these calls as “Scam Likely” or something similar. But it’s crucial to remember that just because a call appears to come from a 207 phone number doesn’t mean it’s legitimate. Scammers can spoof numbers, making it look like the call is coming from a local number.

One of the biggest targets? Senior citizens. They are scammers’ bread and butter, whether it’s through fake phone calls, fraudulent texts, or sketchy links online. These con artists can be charming, sneaky, or downright aggressive, and sadly, their methods are often effective.


Bottom line: Never hand out personal information or send money to strangers. Be cautious about clicking random links. It’s also a good idea to check in with the seniors in your life, giving them a heads-up or even a refresher about these scam attempts. A little reminder can go a long way in protecting them.

For more info, has compiled a detailed list of scams that have been targeting Maine residents.

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