Bob Marley Calls Us Out On Why We Actually Donate to Goodwill
Comedian Bob Marley is no stranger to making light of everyday things we don't even question. His latest video comments on donating to Goodwill, which most of us do at least once a year. After dropping off his pile of clothes and getting some of them rejected, he wondered if he was dropping them off to be charitable or really just to save himself the trip to the dump.
Bob pointed out that we may all be "donating" only to ourselves, trying to save some time in our busy holiday schedules... and he may have a point. Have you donated anything of real value to Goodwill this year, or is it stuff you probably could've thrown out it was so worn out? In any case, you can relate and appreciate Marley's take on the whole "season of giving" and, as per usual, tells it like it is (with the best deadpan delivery and hilarious facial expression this side of the Mississippi).