Is Your Car Shaking When On The Road? Before You Call The Mechanic, Try This!
The winter weather has been wreaking havoc on all of our lives here in Maine. Between the large amount of snow, and bitterly cold temperatures, it's been difficult for a lot of people to keep up with the clean up. One of the easiest items to forget about is your car, because it's not just about cleaning off your windows and roof.
On social media, a lot of people have been expressing worry over their car suddenly shaking when they hit the road. Some people have been blaming the cold weather, saying their car just didn't "warm up enough", but in reality, it's something much simpler. Built up snow in your wheel wells and undercarriage thats packed in there, and in some cases, frozen solid.
According to WCVB in Boston, a simple trip to the car wash could remedy all the problems you think your car is having. A hot wash of the exterior and undercarriage should alleviate the sudden shaking your car may be experiencing. If it doesn't, then yes, it could be time to check in with your favorite mechanic to take a closer look at what may be causing the issue.
With winter only beginning in Maine, it could be in your best interest to make the car wash a consistent stop throughout the cold months. Happy driving.
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