The Maine Mariners shut down their season in March.

On Wednesday, August 5, the ECHL Board of Governors approved a schedule for the 2020-2021 season with an anticipated start date of December 4, 2020.

Teams will play a full 72-game schedule.

From the ECHL Press Release from today:

“We are eager to return to hockey, but at this time we believe this decision is prudent for the safety of our Players, Employees and Fans,” said ECHL Commissioner, Ryan Crelin. “The ECHL and our Board of Governors are focused on the 2020-21 Season and remain optimistic for the safe reopening of our venues across the continent. We appreciate our partners and fans continued support and patience, as we work together with our venues, local health officials and the members of the PHPA's Executive Committee towards the safe return of ECHL hockey.”

The Mariners have not yet released their schedule.

While we all want to get back to the Cross Insurance Arena to watch hockey as soon as possible, we think this December start makes sense. The league will learn much from the NHL and other major sports leagues and maybe things will be a little better by December.

Fingers and hockey sticks crossed on that one!

We can't wait to see Falmouth native Ben Freeman skate on his hometown ice. Ben played Casco Bay Youth Hockey here and was recently signed as a Mariner!


Meanwhile, Mariner fans can partake in an awesome online auction.



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