Maine’s Craigslist Gets Weird As Someone Shares Their Pesto Fetish
It's not breaking news to say that Craigslist can be awfully weird place. There's certainly useful sections featuring jobs, apartments and such but there's also the bizarre missed connections, stuff for free and the even darker and dirtier casual encounters section. One of our listeners sent this particular ad along from the Maine Craigslist and collectively we thought, "wait, what?!"
Not really here to judge what people want to do in their spare time...but it just seems SO specific? Like, it HAS TO BE basil pesto or else you're out? What if someone snuck in a little sun-dried tomato pesto just for the fun of it? Or maybe someone was going full dessert and wanted to give sweet mint pesto a shot? Nah, you're over it? Fair enough.
Anyways, thanks to our friend who sent this is to remind us all that things can get weird real quick anywhere in Maine and that pesto isn't just for salad dressings and bread anymore.
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