Rockland is Warning People That Sometimes It Could Smell Yucky
Rockland just wants to warn people that sometimes this summer, a renovation they are working on might be stinky.
That renovation happens to be an $11 million project to upgrade the wastewater treatment plant off Tillson Avenue. According to the Village Soup, a lot of the equipment used to take all the waste and make it disappear needs to be upgraded. Some of this equipment is so big, that they have to take out some outer walls of the building to get the old equipment out before they bring in the new equipment. Rockland Wastewater Plant Superintendent Terry Pinto told the Village Soup something very important,
Remember the treatment plant has no odors, it is what is sent to us that has the odors.
They are doing all they can to make the 'odor' as minimal as possible. Since they can't just shut down to make the repairs and upgrades, they have a mobile unit processing the sludge. That's when you might actually catch a whiff of the job at hand.
The plant in Rockland handles 3.3 million gallons of wastewater every day. Wow. Makes me wonder how much Portland handles. But the crazy part is that during big rainstorms, more than 30 million gallons will be sent to the plant because the city’s stormwater and sewer lines are mingling. That's part of the problem that will be fixed. The bummer is that this project will take about two years to complete. So, the odor may be back...but don't worry - it's not you. Well, maybe it is a little you.
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