This Frozen, Dead Coyote Is Being Used As An Unofficial Mascot For A Small Maine Town
What do you do when you hit a coyote on the road in the midst of a brutally cold Maine winter? Well, take the frozen carcass, prop it up in a snowbank and then declare to friends and neighbors that this particular frozen coyote is now the unofficial town mascot. Maine, man.
Shared on Facebook by Trevfour Gadnah, the residents of Brownville, Maine as well as the people who pass through have noticed a peculiar, and frightening sight recently. The coyote itself is still intact enough to give anyone's heart a couple extra palpitations, and for the people who weren't in on the joke, it has likely lead to some double-takes. But before you hide the children and pets, this frozen coyote is harmless and is giving the people who propped it in this snowbank quite a laugh.
The only thing missing from this moment "frozen" in time is a name. If this roadkill coyote is going to be an unofficial town mascot, it's definitely going to need an identity. We're going to leave that up to you. Of all the tourist attractions there could be in Maine during the winter, there's this. Like we said at the top, Maine, man. Maine.
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