Watch Another Maine Driver Not Pull Over For An Emergency Vehicle
For the second time within a month, video is released of a Maine driver ignoring the flashing lights and sirens of an emergency vehicle and not pulling over.
The first video released was in February from the dash cam of an Auburn ambulance, showing a driver not pulling over. Saturday, the Wells Police Department released dash cam video from Wells Police Sgt. Chad Arrowsmith's cruiser who, according to News Center Maine, was on his way to a domestic violence call.
A utility truck is show in the video, not pulling over despite the blaring sirens and flashing lights. The driver even goes so far as to make a turn onto the very same road that Sgt. Arrowsmith is travelling on to get to the call, and still doesn't pull over for several feet.
It took the driver 49 seconds to finally pull over, precious time that could have been saved.
The driver has been fined for failure to yield to an emergency vehicle, and since he was driving a utility truck, he may even have to face repercussions from his employer.