Watch WMTW Meteorologist Sarah Long Vacationing in Antarctica With Seals and Penguins
It may not feel like it completely, but it is winter here in Maine and a lot of people will take some time off during the winter to enjoy a warmer climate. However, if you are a meteorologist who loves the winter like WMTW's Sarah Long, you're not going to head to sunny and warm Florida or the Caribbean. You're going to the polar desert of Antarctica where the icebergs flow.
To say that Sarah loves extreme climates is an understatement. After graduating from the University of Massachusetts Lowell, she became the Chief Meteorologist and Summit Manager high on the rock at the Mount Washington Observatory.
With a peak of 6288 feet above sea level, Mount Washington has amazingly wild weather. It holds the record for the highest measured wind speed not associated with a tornado or tropical cyclone. Snow drifts at the summit can be massive and water can freeze instantly when tossed into the air.
A visit to Antarctica can be milder than the summit of Mount Washington and it has things you won't see there like penguins and seals.
Sarah posted a video to her Facebook page taken from a boat floating past and small iceberg where a penguin and a seal seem to be acting like they were posing for the camera.
The seal is officially a Crabeater Seal, which Sarah says doesn't actually eat crabs, ridiculous as that may sound.
Sarah will be away for a few weeks enjoying her time in Antarctica. More power to you Sarah! Meanwhile, I'll be sitting at home in my warm Slanket counting down the days until summer.
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