A now former McDonald's employee used his job as a way to push his music career. Unfortunately, kids lost out on their Minions for his rap dreams!

He put his mixtape into Happy Meals to spread the word. Let's call it like it is a brilliant idea.

Well probably more brilliant if the average age of a Happy Meal owner wasn't, you know, like 5. Cause if they dig your demo, they can't run to Bull Moose to buy it or jump on the iTunes.

Also, it would be more brilliant if he was a children's rapper. If the content was fit for the receivers, then this might have really hit home and scored him some big time love and sales! Yet the title of his demo doesn't send out much of a kid's vibe at all really.

You know what, another thing keeping it from true brilliance is he was using the wrong vehicle to reach people. Maybe it put in a regular bag for adults or proper listeners. When a parent picks up something for their kid, like a happy meal, they're doing it with their kid in mind. Their child's safety, enjoyment and happiness. So when they purchase a Happy Meal for their young kid and find your demo, albeit free, but full of harsh lyrics and reality a 5-year-old just shouldn't have to face, yet the parent goes on the defensive and your music offering goes in the garbage.

So, actually, maybe this wasn't a brilliant idea after all.

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