Hey, do what you want with yourself, but man oh man... if you bumped into Renee Z. these days, you probably wouldn't even know it. Have you seen her lately? 


Again, do what you want! Do what makes you happy. What you do with your life is not our decision at all needless to say. So let's not have people say, "CYY, WTF, leaver her alone. What's wrong if a person..." blah blah blah. We're not attacking anyone here. Just pointing out wow, she looks different. And possibly bringing up the topic of botox and plastic surgery and self confidence and reasons behind drastic changes etc. That's all. We're just shufflin' the mental deck here a bit for conversation. So please, put the claws and guns away! Haa. Our intentions are good. This ain't no tabloid show thingie. Thanks!

That being said. Renee Zellweger has made some changes. For the better? Worse? Could care less? Does she look like herself? Who's Renee Zelwegger? What's for lunch?

Here's the Renee we knew from Jerry Maguire and Empire Records and Bridget Jones' Diary (although I never saw that movie.... without a girl in the same building)...


And here is Renee, current day... 



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