Are you participating in Dry January? I decided why the hell not? I figured I could stand to take a break and what better month to try it out than.....January. I came into work this morning and Joey was all excited to show me some recent stats. According to the Huffington Post, science has rung in on what happens if you put the sauce down for a month.

  • Looking to lose some weight? Participants lost an average of 3.5 lbs.
  • For those of you looking at the long term affects, you're less likely to develop diabetes. It also showed lower cholesterol levels. It also lowered the amount of fat in their livers by an average of 15%...we need that liver to be as healthy as possible. If not, a fatty liver can lead to liver disease. (Side note) Fatty Liver...great band name.
  • Not sleeping great? I have random nights where I fall asleep no problem but then wake up in the middle of the night and lay there. Thank God for Adult Swim. Participants slept better and found it easier to concentrate.
  • Hoping the trend will continue? I liked this stat. 850 people agreed to stop drinking for one month. Six months later (the ones who followed through with it), were still drinking significantly less than they did before they took part in the study.

Thinking of trying it out? What have you got to lose. Look at it this way: It's a month, not a year. There are times when it will be difficult but (depending on your alcohol dependency) it's not that hard. Beating cancer is hard. Losing a loved one is hard. For those of you saying to yourself, "Well January has already started." So what, go a few days into February. Who knows if I'll go the whole 30 but I'm definitely gonna give it a shot, I'm feeling confident. Did I mention, it's January. Good month to try it out if you ask me. Good luck!



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