Not to worry gentleman (or ladies), the question that's been plaguing people for centuries has finally been answered by British scientists. How big is a normal sized penis? You can check out all the particulars right HERE thanks to WebMD. Orrrrrrrr, i'll just save you the ballyhoo and tell you it's 5.2 inches.

That's right, 5.2 inches. The science men got over 15,000 dudes together and said "let's see 'em boys" and we finally have an answer. Why did it take until 2015 for this kind of vital information?! Quickly bounce out of your cubicle, head to the bathroom and find out if you're batting the league average. And if you're above average.....then let the boasting begin. Pop that little gem of sweet knowledge on your OKCupid or Tinder profile and watch the matches come spilling in. Thank you British science, i'm sure there was nothing else you could have studied with your time and money.....

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