Brunswick Restaurant Owner Calls Out Rude Customers On Social Media
There is no doubt that the hospitality industry has seen some crazy ups and downs over the last few years. This seems especially true for the restaurant / bar industry.
At the beginning of the pandemic, they were closed (except for take-out). Then, they were open at a limited capacity. Now, as they are fully open, most of these establishments are having staffing issues.
As a result of these staffing issues, it often takes more time than it normally would to get a drink or get your meal. It is just the way things are, for now.
Additionally, there are still some supply issues. Some caused by shortages, some caused by food service company staffing issues. It is hard to get the requested products to a restaurant or bar when there are not enough drivers to drive the delivery trucks.
Many customers are completely understand. However, there are a few who just don't seem to get it.
According to News Center Maine, one restauranteur has called out the rude customers at her Brunswick restaurant.
In her Facebook post, Cheri Siatras, of Joshua's Restaurant & Tavern, calls out the 20% of her customers who are rude.
So dear 20%, have some common sense and empathy. We aren’t going to comp food for taking too long when you were told there was a wait. We aren’t in control of the weather. We have no control over raspberry vinaigrette being out of stock. But most importantly, we aren’t going to put up with ANYONE being ANYTHING LESS THAN CIVIL when speaking to our staff. Thanks for coming to my incredibly long TEDtalk. Be kind to your fellow humans
Read her entire post HERE
This should serve as a reminder that we need to be kind and courteous to those we meet in public. So, the next time you go out for a meal, or just for drinks, please be kind to your waiter, waitress, or bartender. And, please tip them well!