Can You Guess the Longest River in Maine?
Maine has a heck of a lot of water.
Within the Pine Tree State are 73 rivers over 20 miles long, and an additional 39 that drain over 200 square miles each, according to Maine: An Encyclopedia. In addition to its 3,400+ miles of coastline, the state also has many lakes, 51 of which cover an area of at least five miles each.
People were recently talking about the deepest and longest lakes and rivers in New Hampshire, but how about Maine? Which of its rivers is the longest?
Here's what we found out.
According to WorldAtlas, the Saint John River is the longest river in the Pine Tree State, with a total length of 418 miles. That's 11 miles longer than the Connecticut River, the longest river in New Hampshire. The Saint John River flows across not only Maine, but also Québec and New Brunswick.
Both Maine and New Hampshire share the second longest river, the Androscoggin, which is 178 miles long, according to WorldAtlas. This river is much shorter that the Saint John, but covers a vast stretch of land. It also has a drainage basin of 3,530 square miles.
After the Androscoggin, the #3-5 longest rivers in Maine are the Kennebec, Saco, and West Branch Penobscot Rivers, respectively.
Speaking of bodies of water, check out this luxury Airbnb rental on Maine's Rangeley Lake.
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Gallery Credit: Chris Sedenka
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