These are the Best Known Cryptid Creatures of the Christmas Season
Christmas cryptids? Oh yeah. Christmastime isn't just Santa Claus and reindeer, legends from all over the globe include witches, goblins, monsters, and cannibals.
There are plenty of people in the United States who've heard of Krampus now, since he's got his own movie and is referenced in various shows and books, but he's not the only monster who occupies the Christmas season. There's Jólakötturinn, Kallikantzaros, and Mr. Bingle.
You can tell by names like Jólakötturinn and Kallikantzaros that many of these legends come from other countries. Jólakötturinn is an Icelandic cat that eats kids, and Kallikantzaros are Turkish underground goblins who cause mischief during the Christmas season. Oh, then Mr. Bingle...he's a living pile of snow created by a department store in New Orleans, a city that happens to host the largest Krampus parade in the country
Check out this list of Christmas cryptids from across the world:
Christmas Cryptids From Around The World
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