It seems, you can live as many lives as you want in Portland...never been one of those towns where you're boxed into this category or that job.  Many a flip has taken place.

Either with direction or aimlessly, feel free to encounter rock stars who became parents; lawyers who became sales clerks; dancers who just had to become doctors; poets who became program directors for non-profits; florists who moonlight as bier-tenders and who will floriste, again; computer wizzes who used to be contractors; mariners who are now store owners; librarians who became successful musicians, in Spain...true; golfers who became DJ's; bartenders who became writers.  Often, the change is out of necessity...but, not because you "woke up and smelled the coffee"...there will always be a seed in us of what we once were...and Portland thrives on that.  Tour guides who were PhD candidates; actors who became paid actors.  Don't be afraid to ask yourself this question:

Am I good at it?





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