Gov. LePage Signs Emergency Order To Allow Longer Hours For Fuel Deliveries In Maine
There's no sugarcoating that this winter has already been a particularly brutal one for the state of Maine. Many towns have seen a record amount of low temperatures, and many residents of the state have had the heating systems in their homes working overtime. But that overtime has created a backlog of deliveries at fuel companies statewide, and left many customers struggling to stay warm.
According to Danielle Waugh of NECN, Governor LePage heard the complaints of both his constituents and the fuel companies that serve Maine, and signed into place an emergency act that will allow fuel companies to deliver for longer hours to alleviate their massive backlogs.
Fuel companies do not expect to be able to meet all of the demand for deliveries instantly despite the emergency act. But thanks to out-of-season warming spell over the next few days, companies should be able to catch up before colder temperates return.
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