Halloween Is Cancelled: Towns Across The State Delaying Trick-or-Treating Due to Power Outage
In the words of Weezer's Rivers Cuomo: "SAY IT AIN'T SO!"
Well, unfortunately it is. WCSH 6 is reporting that, due to the widespread power outage that everyone is painfully aware of, some towns will be delaying Halloween festivities. If I were still a kid, I could think of nothing more nightmarish to happen on all hallow's eve... Unless, you know, this guy shows up:
Check out WCSH's full report below:
Channel 6's report focuses on the town of Topsham, where city officials have postponed trick-or-treating to next Friday, Nov 3rd. City officials and parents say it could be dangerous to allow children to wander around tonight, as streetlights are out and debris is still strewn across the area. Following suit are towns like Brunswick, and potentially Kittery.
This doesn't sound like fun at all, right? Well if it's safety they're concerned for, then it sounds like a good call to us. Don't worry kids, you'll get your Halloween candy soon enough! For the time being, though, let's hunker down by candlelight and play some board games.
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