Hundreds of Crows at Scarborough Lowe’s Parking Lot is Super Creepy
What the actual what?
Sarah Fenderson Haskell saw this murder of crows. Yes, murder is the official name of a group of crows. She'd never seen anything like it.
The pictures didn't do what she saw justice. They never do, but it gives you a pretty good idea of the number of crows gathered and at Lowe's of all places. Why would they do this? Well, since I'm no crow expert, I had to have Google help me.
According to World Birds, it appears crows have people reasons for getting together:
...the most common reason for a large gathering of crows is to form large communal roosts Flocks gather in fall and winter to these roosts that may contain anywhere from hundreds to thousands of birds. Although little research has been done on the communal roosting of crows, this behavior is thought to play an important social role for crows, helping them exchange information, look for mates, and generally socialize. There may be other reasons for crows to gather as well, including funeral behavior, feeding, and social gatherings.
Sarah's only regret is that she didn't think to take a video because these pictures don't do the mass of crows justice! As weird and creepy as it seems, it could be as innocent as just chatting and catching up!
It kind of sounds like teenagers. Meeting up in the parking lot of Lowe's to chat about where to eat and who's going out with who. Crows are smart and sociable. Okay, not exactly like teenagers...