Skip the endless phone calls or random mall trips as the art of tracking your must-get holiday gifts just got a little easier. 

By now, you've probably come across a friend or family member who's left a seemingly desperate status on social media asking where to find the two hottest items this holiday season, Hatchimals or the NES classic edition. Well, we can't guarantee there will be any in stock anywhere before Christmas, but if there is, maybe this can help. is an amazing website in which you can set up browser or email alerts when the item you want has been restocked or becomes available. As long as your someone who checks their email or browser consistently, you can be one of the first to hit the online retailer and snap it up. works almost exactly the same way. With email and browser alerts available for those who are fast and furious. Additionally, there's a website called that allows you to scour local retailers for in-house stock updates, although that information can be hit or miss depending on the store.

We wish you luck, we all know Santa can't always work miracles, but with a little help from his online reindeer, who knows what may show up under the tree come Christmas time.

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