NEWSCENTERnow on WCSH6 recently aired a segment, in which Lewiston city officials respond to their city being named "One of the Best Places in America to Retire" by Forbes this past weekend.

Reaction to this story across Maine has been pretty swift, and the comments haven't all been positive. Even on our post here on this website, reactions from local community members and Mainers from around the state were funny at best, and scathing at worst.

Forbes recently named 25 cities across America to a list of "Best Places to Retire," and Lewiston made the list that was published over the weekend. Supposedly, the list was based on factors like cost of living, taxes on retired couples, safety, elder care, and others.

The Forbes post itself made it clear that the authors of the list had no idea what they're talking about. They described Lewiston as a city in "Southeastern Maine" that's "near the coast."

Don't get me wrong - Lewiston is a great town, and all cities in Maine have great bright spots. But naming a city to a national "best of" list without clearly understanding what you're talking about might not work out for the best.

Love ya, Lewiston!

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