It's been a wacky 24 hours for Lil' Wayne. According to Loudwire, on Thursday night during a performance in Virginia, Lil' Wayne abruptly cut his set short about 20 minutes in. He briefly complained about the crowd size and then walked off stage. Initially, the crowd thought it was part of the show, but realized it wasn't when background music began playing and Lil' Wayne's concert crew began moving equipment. There was one other thing, Lil' Wayne claimed he was "probably" quitting the tour with Blink-182.

Lil Wayne
Jonathan Leibson, Getty Images

That left fans in Bangor, Maine on edge, wondering if Lil' Wayne would be showing up for his performance on Saturday, July 13th. Lil' Wayne reassured fans on Friday afternoon by sending out this tweet.

If you're going to the show in Bangor on Saturday, expect to see a full Lil' Wayne performance. Also expect a lengthy set from Blink-182, who have been performing 20-23 songs every night as part of this tour.

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