NSFW: New Hampshire Man Peeved Over Strict Trash Collection Rules
More and more cities and towns across New England are instituting stricter rules when it comes to trash pickup and recycling. Those rules don't always sit well with people, who can't figure out why things need to change from the good ole days. Others are willing to do their part, but if they feel like they're being squeezed, need a place to vent. That may be the case here. World, say hello to Charles Valentino.
Velentino took to Facebook last week about a situation in where his trash was not properly placed on the roadside which caused him to then launch into an incredible foul-mouthed rant that featured commentary on liberals, male genitalia, and the mental stability of trash collectors.
If we're being fair, we can see points on both sides. To Mr. Valentino's rage, it does seem to be a bit ridiculous to place a sticker on ONE BAG, when it probably would have taken less time to dispose of that bag. On the side of the anonymous trash collectors, rules are rules, and they're probably bound by their higher ups to enforce them.
So if you're feeling some frustration from your weekly trash removal, live vicariously through Mr. Valentino. It's like therapy, with A LOT of F bombs.
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