NSFW: People In Maine Have Fallen In Love With Putting The F Word On Their Vanity Plate
The rules are pretty much out the window on what you can put on your vanity plate and the people of Maine have clearly caught on. It took a little while but more and more, people are seeing vanity plates on the road or in parking lots that are leading to double and triple takes. Oh, and of course, pictures. So here's a few of the newest and absolutely nastiest vanity plates on Maine roads.
The "F word" is no longer off limits on your vanity plates and people in Maine definitely love them some F's. For instance this plate shared on Reddit by ProdigalPeyton.
One of the true pastimes in Maine is to create words that don't actually exist. This is one of them continuing with the F word theme. Shared on Reddit by Peteypiee
College can be stressful and that's pretty obvious from this University of Maine vanity plate. Honestly, this is the greatest plate ever for a built-in road rage response. Shared on Reddit by the_ssotf.
What happens when you've just had enough of everyone? You come up with this vanity plate right here shared on Instagram via vanity_of_maine.
Somewhere in the woods of Maine, you can just picture someone saying this vanity plate shared on Instagram by Vanity_of_Maine
But here's one that lots of us can get behind, especially when March/April roll around and another bad weather forecast comes out.