Old Portland, Maine Craigslist Ad Named Internet’s ‘Funniest’ Ever
Sometimes it's remarkable to think about just how long Craigslist has been around giving us access to the the best and the worst of classified ads directly from the internet. At one point in time, Craigslist was truly the Wild West where seemingly anything and everything went unchecked. In recent years, Craigslist has buttoned things up a little tighter, leaving fewer ridiculous and offensive ads left for people to stew over. But that doesn't mean people didn't keep the receipts from years past.
Shared by Techeblog, they dug through thousands of old Craigslist ads and compiled a list of 5 that they deemed to be the 'funniest' ever. One ad from Portland, Maine didn't necessarily make the list, but it topped it. And if we really peel back the layers on this remarkable ad from Meghan in 2007, it only gets funnier.
First off, whomever Meghan might be, she's an absolutely wordsmith. She could probably sell you a 2012 Ford Focus with a transmission problem at 2022 BMW prices. She also clearly had a keen understand of supply and demand. Good luck finding yourself a pack of Stride forever fruit gum these days and Meghan clearly understood that the future was bleak for the niche brand and there was money to be made. Even if it was only 9 cents. There's also a touch of business savvy in her game, essentially demanding exact change without absolutely demanding exact change.
Is this truly the 'funniest' Craigslist ad of all-time? Probably not. Do we wish there more ads like this these days? Ayuh.
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