Yale was the first to have a live mascot back in 1890.


Meet Handsome Dan XIX, an Olde English Bulldogge born at Wicked Good Bulldogges in Bristol, Maine! He's been the official mascot for Yale University for just under a year. Jessica and Pete Seiders, owners of Wicked Good Bulldogges, bred Handsome Dan XVIII, as well — he was the first Olde English Bulldogge to serve as the mascot.

Handsome Dan Yale Facebook
Handsome Dan Yale Facebook

The Yale News reported that the university switched from English bulldogs to Olde English Bulldogges because the newer breed is 'a more athletic and healthier alternative' to the old. They also live longer.

Handsome Dan Yale Facebook
Handsome Dan Yale Facebook

Of course, having one of your pups as an Ivy League mascot sure gets the phones going! They get about 10-15 inquiries a day. They give existing customers priority for new puppies, followed by locals, then buyers from Maine and New Hampshire. This year’s puppies are all spoken for; they won’t have more available for sale until 2022.

Handsome Dan Yale Facebook
Handsome Dan Yale Facebook

Usually, mascots are associated with sports, but this Dan is a people dog and Yale wants to expand his role to be a greeter for everyone, not just athletes.

Handsome Dan Yale Facebook
Handsome Dan Yale Facebook

He's a handsome regal Mainer living among the elite and bringing them good luck! Yale's football team immediately broke a nine-year losing streak against rival Harvard in the annual matchup known as “The Game,” and students and alumni embraced their new mascot.

Handsome Dan Yale Facebook
Handsome Dan Yale Facebook

Can't you just tell that Handsome Dan is muttering under his breath, 'Oh..you're a Harvard fan?' I've never cared much about Yale, but next time I see a game, you better believe I'll be rooting for this Mainer's team!

RANKED: Here Are the 63 Smartest Dog Breeds

Does your loyal pup's breed make the list? Read on to see if you'll be bragging to the neighbors about your dog's intellectual prowess the next time you take your fur baby out for a walk. Don't worry: Even if your dog's breed doesn't land on the list, that doesn't mean he's not a good boy--some traits simply can't be measured.

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