Recycled Percussion is Bringing Their Insane Vegas Style Show to Westbrook, Maine
Recycled Percussion
If you've never seen a Recycled Percussion show, it's time you change that.
You may remember Recycled Percussion from their time on America's Got Talent in 2009. These New Hampshire boys take percussion to the next level. Beating on ladders, paying on trash cans and pots and pans, playing upside-down, and more.
After their time on AGT Recycled Percussion took their show to Las Vegas for several years before returning home to New Hampshire.
Chaos & Kindness
Recycled Percussion is a band with heart. Big, big hearts. And that's what started Chaos & Kindness, a television series you can find locally in New Hampshire, on Amazon, and on YouTube.
In the show, the band documents their crazy lives and doing kind things for people mainly in their home state of New Hampshire.
Since the start of the show, they have also started Chaos & Kindness apparel with two brick and mortar stores, one in Laconia and the other in Keene.
Also in Laconia is their recently opened personal venue, The CAKE.
Even with their own venue in their backyard the guys still take their can't miss show on the road and this summer they're bringing it to Westbrook.
Westbrook Together Days
Each year Westbrook puts on a multi-day event to celebrate the community with Westbrook Together Days. Mark your calendars for Friday, June 3rd through Sunday, June 5th.
There are a ton of local bands playing throughout the weekend; Something Stupid, Motor Booty Affair, and Jeezum Crow to name a few.
Recycled Percussion will be performing at 8:15 pm on Saturday, June 4th in Riverbank Park. Oh, and did we mention the event is FREE to attend?!
Follow the events on the Westbrook Together Days Facebook page here and the Recycled Percussion event here.