Huge Bands Whose Singer Isn't the Primary LyricistHuge Bands Whose Singer Isn't the Primary LyricistThey sang the words, but didn't write 'em.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
Bands Turning 50 in 2023Bands Turning 50 in 2023Five whole decades ago.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
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Rock + Metal Acts With the Most Top 40 SongsRock + Metal Acts With the Most Top 40 SongsThese songs rocked, then rolled over into the mainstream.Chad ChildersChad Childers
An Instagram Account Is Keeping Track of Every Metal ‘Jeopardy!’ ClueAn Instagram Account Is Keeping Track of Every Metal ‘Jeopardy!’ ClueQuiz your heavy metal knowledge.Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
Rock Stars Celebrating Birthdays in DecemberRock Stars Celebrating Birthdays in DecemberWe're rockin' around the Christmas tree and into a long list of rock stars who are celebrating their birthdays this month.Alicia SelinAlicia SelinChad ChildersChad Childers