Top of the East Cocktail Bar in Portland, Maine, Finally Welcomes Guests BackTop of the East Cocktail Bar in Portland, Maine, Finally Welcomes Guests BackYou’ll have to go check out the best views in and of the city with a drink in hand.Meghan MorrisonMeghan Morrison
The Top of the East Cocktail Bar in Portland, Maine Set to ReopenThe Top of the East Cocktail Bar in Portland, Maine Set to ReopenAfter being closed for renovations, the longtime cocktail bar in Portland, Maine, the Top of the East, is set to reopen over Labor Day weekend.JoeyJoey
15 Of Portland's Oldest Bars/Restaurants That Are Still Standing15 Of Portland's Oldest Bars/Restaurants That Are Still StandingWith some places dating back to the early 1900's, here's a snapshot of some of the oldest bars and restaurants that are still standing in Portland, MaineJoeyJoey
A Longtime Rooftop Bar In Portland Plans Major Outdoor ExpansionA Longtime Rooftop Bar In Portland Plans Major Outdoor ExpansionThe Top of the East at the Westin in downtown Portland unveils plans for a major rooftop expansion that will include a new outdoor deck and patioJoeyJoey