The Seashore Trolley Museum in Kennebunkport is the largest electrical railway museum in the world. Visitors can ride the rails on restored electric street cars that operated in Maine cities over a century ago. There's one essential thing that these trolleys need in order to run. Electricity.

The storms that hit Southern Maine on July 14 brought heavy rain, high winds and ping pong sized hail causing lots of damage, including the electrical system at the Seashore Trolley Museum that gives the trolleys their power.

Several trees fell along the trolley tracks taking down the overhead wires that the trolleys connect to. The trees are easy to move, but the electrical wire system takes more work and money to repair.

The Seashore Trolley Museum is a not-for-profit organization. Donations and riders are what keep them going, and when major damage like this happens, they need a quick boost to get things back up and running. They've already been keeping things going by dipping into their cash reserves due to the COIVID-19 pandemic.

So they've started a fundraising campaign to help them get things repaired, and the trolleys running again.

You can see some of the damage in the photos from their Facebook post and if you are able to help them out with a donation, here's a link to their donation page.



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