Two Maine Cities Make Best & Worst List for Single People in America
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do.
It's even lonelier if you find yourself living in one of the worst cities in America for single people. WallHub released their findings in a new report of 2017's Best & Worst Cities for Singles. Two Maine cities made the list, one best and one worst.
10. Portland, Maine
If you're single and in Portland, Maine, good for you! Portland, Maine is number 10 on WallHub's list.
175. Lewiston, Maine
But if you find yourself in Lewiston and alone... Grab an Uber to Portland because Lewiston is 175 on the list of places for single people, ranking it among the 10 worst cities in America for single people.
The best and worst cities were determined based on several criteria including online dating opportunities, the percentage of singles in the population, nightlife options, average beer and wine cost, and beauty salon costs.
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